Alessia Cadamuro (PhD) is a designer and scholar who focuses on participatory design approaches and situated design mediated by non-normative modes of interaction. With her research, she questions norms, normocentrism and power-relations through design. Her current work touches relevant societal issues, which are addressed from an ethical and socio-political perspective adopting a theoretical approach to design based on Posthumanism and Feminist philosophy.

She works in collaboration with art-design and academic organisations, grass-roots community groups, people with non-normative abilities, marginalised communities/ individuals and other-than-human subjects. With her work, she focus on meaning-exploration, politics of inclusion, disruption of current narratives concerning identities, abilities, agency, power relations and power distribution. Her design practice includes Participatory Design, Situated Design, Ethnography, Autoethnography, Anthropology


Alessia completed her Bachelor of Architecture at the University of I.U.A.V., Italy, and consequently obtained her MDes at the Man and Humanity department at Design Academy Eindhoven, The Netherlands. As part of Creative Industry Scientific Programme (CRISP) she was involved in the G-Motiv project as Research Associate at Design Academy Eindhoven.

In 2014 - 2015 she worked as a Lecturer at Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, and since then she has been collaborating with several international Universities.

In the same year (2015) she started her indipendent research studio.

In 2020 she completed her PhD at the Open University (UK) with the thesis Beyond The ‘Untold’ Encountering Autism: Situated Insights On Ways To Enable Participation In Design

CV available on request.



This is a research-led independent design practice that questions the dominant societal standard of the so called "normality"/NORMS and POWER RELATIONS in emerging design issues, addressed from an ethical and socio-political perspective. The main aim is to produce and Co-generate situated design practices with those who are considered “others than”, such as marginalised communities, individuals and other-than-humans.

The projects are designed in collaboration with knowledge institutions, as well as indipendent research institutions and self-initiated research projects.

Questo sito presenta pratiche progettuali indipendenti che si fondano sulla ricerca e mettono in discussione il concetto dominante di “normale”/NORMA e RELAZIONI DI POTERE nelle tematiche di design emergenti, affrontate da una prospettiva partecipativa situata, etica e socio-politica.

I progetti sono sviluppati in collaborazione con Università, enti di ricerca indipendenti e progetti di ricerca auto-avviati.





alessia cadamuro